Calendar Archive
This archive contains student billing calendars for prior academic years charges listed on Regular Term Bill account on BruinBill. The current academic year billing calendar can be found on the Student Billing Calendar webpage.
NOTE: The dates below may be incomplete and/or exclude dates for some University charges, special programs, or professional programs. Dates may also have changed from the time of publication.
AY 2023-2024
July 2023
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
7/1 - 7/20 | Fall Semester BruinPay Plan Enrollment Window | -Special Programs (MED 1st - 3rd Year only) | Student Accounts |
7/1 - 8/7 | Fall Semester UCSHIP Waiver Period | -Special Programs (LAQ LLM 1st & 2nd Year, LAW MLS 1st Year, LAW JD 1st Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
7/1 - 8/11
| Fall Semester UCSHIP Waiver Period | -Special Programs (MED 1st Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
7/1 - 8/18 | Fall Semester UCSHIP Waiver Period | -Special Programs (LAW Advanced JD 2L & 3L, MLS, SJD only) | ASHE CENTER |
7/1 - 8/25 | Fall Semester UCSHIP Waiver Period | -Special Programs (FEMBA 1st Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
7/20 | Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in June) | All | Student Accounts |
Monthly Housing Due (for July) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Fall Quarter Tuition Due | -Special Programs (GEMBA AP 1st and 2nd Year only) | ||
7/21 | Summer Quarter UCSHIP Waiver Deadline | -Special Programs (CSI, FSP, TSP, MBA 1st Year, MSAUD 1st Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
7/27 | Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for August) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING |
7/28 - 12/31 | Fall Semester Parking Permit Enrollment Window | -Special Programs (LAW only) | Transportation |
7/31 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
August 2023
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
8/1 - 8/20 | Fall Semester BruinPay Plan Enrollment Window | -Special Programs (Semester Students) | Student Accounts |
8/1 - 9/15
| Fall Semester UCSHIP Waiver Period | -Special Programs (MED 2nd & 3rd Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
8/1 - 9/25 | ⚠ Fall Quarter UCSHIP Waiver Period ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate -Special Programs (FEMBA 2nd & 3rd Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
8/7 | Fall Semester UCSHIP Waiver Deadline | -Special Programs (LAW LLM 1st & 2nd Year, LAW MLS 1st Year, LAW JD 1st Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
Fall Semester Tuition Due | -Special Programs (Law LLM 1st Year only) | Student Accounts | |
8/7 - 8/27 | ⚠ Fall Quarter Perking Permit Enrollment Window ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional only) | Transportation |
8/11 | Fall Semester UCSHIP Waiver Deadline | -Special Programs (MED 1st Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
Fall Semester Tuition Due | -Special Programs (MLS 1st Year, LAW JD 1st Year, MED 1st Year only) | Student Accounts | |
8/15 | Fall Quarter Tuition Due | -Special Programs (EMBA 1st Year only) | Student Accounts |
8/18 | Monthly Stipend Disbursement for September | -Graduate | Financial Aid |
Fall Semester Financial Aid Disbursement | -Special Programs (Semester Students only) | FINANCIAL AID | |
Fall Semester UCSHIP Waiver Deadline | -Special Programs (LAW Advanced JD 2L & 3L, MLS, SJD only) | ASHE CENTER | |
Fall Semester Tuition Due | -Special Programs (MLS 2nd Year, LAW LLM 2nd Year, Advanced JD - 2L & 3L, SJD only) | Student Accounts | |
8/20 | Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in July) | All | Student Accounts |
Monthly Housing Due (for August) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Fall Semester BruinPay Plan Second Installment Deduction | -Special Programs (MED 1st-3rd Year only) | Student Accounts | |
8/23 | Fall Quarter Tuition Due | -Special Programs (ELP, EMPH, FEMBA 1st Year only) | Student Accounts |
8/24 | ⚠ Fall Quarter Tuition Posts to BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
8/25 | ⚠ Fall Quarter Housing Posts to BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate | HOUSING |
Fall Quarter UCSHIP Waiver Deadline | -Special Programs (FEMBA 1st Year only) | ASHE CENTER | |
8/27 | Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for September) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING |
8/28 - 12/31 | Fall Quarter Parking Permit Enrollment Window | -Special Programs (Professional Graduate only) | Transportation |
8/31 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
September 2023
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
9/1 - 9/20 | ⚠ Fall Quarter BruinPay Plan Enrollment Window ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
9/5 - 9/9 | ⚠ Fall Quarter Parking Acceptance Window ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional) | Transportation |
| Fall Semester UCSHIP Waiver Deadline | -Special Programs (MED 2nd & 3rd Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
Fall Semester Tuition Due | -Special Programs (MED 2nd & 3rd Year only) | Student Accounts | |
9/18 | ⚠ Fall Quarter Financial Aid Disbursement ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Financial Aid |
Monthly Stipend Disbursement (for October) | -Graduate | Financial Aid | |
9/19 | BruinDirect Refunds Begin for Fall Quarter Financial Aid | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
Fall Quarter Begins | -Undergraduate -Graduate | ||
9/20 | ⚠ Fall Quarter Tuition Due ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
⚠ Fall Quarter Housing Due ⚠ | -Undergraduate | Housing | |
Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in August) | All | Student Accounts | |
Monthly Housing Due (for September) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Fall Semester BruinPay Plan Second Installment Deduction | -Special Programs (Semester Students) | Student Accounts | |
Fall Semester BruinPay Plan Third Installment Deduction | -Special Programs (MED 1st-3rd Year only) | Student Accounts | |
Fall Quarter Tuition Due | -Special Programs (DDS, PPID, DNP, ELP 2nd & 3rd Year, EMBA 2nd Year, FEMBA 2nd & 3rd Year, MACS, MAGIST, MAS, MBA, MASS, MENG, MFE, MHA, MPHHP, MQE, MQST, SAUD, MSBA, MSDSB, MSE, MSE-H) | Student Accounts | |
9/25 | ⚠ Fall Quarter UCSHIP Waiver Deadline ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate -Special Programs (FEMBA 2nd & 3rd Year only) | ASHE CENTER |
9/26 | Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for October) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING |
9/29 | ⚠ Classes Dropped for Accounts With Unpaid Tuition Fees ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Registrar |
Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
October 2023
| ⚠ Classes Dropped for Accounts With Unpaid Quarter Tuition Fees (link is external)⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | REGISTRAR |
⚠ Service Fee Assessed to Eligible Unpaid Accounts for Term ⚠ | -All | STUDENT ACCOUNTS | |
10/16 | Monthly Stipend Disbursement (for November) (link is external) | -Graduate | FINANCIAL AID |
10/20 | ⚠ Fall Quarter Parking Permit Due on BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional) | TRANSPORTATION |
Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in September) | All | STUDENT ACCOUNTS | |
Monthly Housing Due (for October) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING | |
Fall Quarter BruinPay Plan Second Installment Deduction | -Undergraduate -Graduate | STUDENT ACCOUNTS | |
Fall Semester BruinPay Plan Third Installment Deduction | -Special Programs (Semester Students) | STUDENT ACCOUNTS | |
Fall Semester BruinPay Plan Fourth Installment Deduction | -Special Programs (MED 1st-3rd Year only) | STUDENT ACCOUNTS | |
10/27 | ⚠ Fall Quarter Course Materials Fee Posts to BruinBill (link is external) ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | REGISTRAR |
Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for November) (link is external) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING | |
10/31 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | STUDENT ACCOUNTS |
November 2023
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
11/6 - 11/26 | ⚠ Winter Quarter Perking Permit Enrollment Window ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional) | Transportation |
11/15 | Monthly Stipend Disbursement for December | -Graduate | Financial Aid |
11/20 | Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in October) | All | Student Accounts |
Monthly Housing Due (for November) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Fall Quarter BruinPay Plan Final Installment Deduction | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts | |
Fall Semester BruinPay Plan Final Installment Deduction | -Special Programs (MED 1st-3rd Year only) | Student Accounts | |
⚠ Fall Quarter Course Materials Fee Due ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Registrar | |
11/22 | ⚠ Winter Quarter Tuition Posts to BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
11/23 | ⚠ Winter Quarter Housing Posts to BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate | HOUSING |
11/26 | Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for December) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING |
11/27 - 3/24 | Winter Quarter Parking Permit Enrollment Window | -Special Programs (Professional Graduate students only) | Transportation |
11/27 - 6/16 | Spring Semester Parking Permit Enrollment Window | -Special Programs (LAW only) | Transportation |
11/30 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
Winter Quarter Tuition Due | -Special Programs (EMPH only) | Student Accounts |
December 2023
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
12/1 - 12/20 | ⚠ Winter Quarter BruinPay Plan Enrollment Window ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
Spring Semester BruinPay Plan Enrollment Window | -Special Programs (Med 1-3rd Year only) | Student Accounts | |
⚠ Winter Quarter UCSHIP Waiver Period ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | ASHE CENTER | |
Spring Semester UCSHIP Waiver Period | -Special Programs (LAW LLM, LMS, JD, SJD, & MED 1st - 4th Year only) | ASHE CENTER | |
12/4 - 12/8 | ⚠ Winter Quarter Parking Acceptance Window ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional) | Transportation |
| Monthly Stipend Disbursement (for January) | -Graduate | Financial Aid |
Winter Quarter Institutional Aid Disbursement | -Graduate | Financial Aid | |
Spring Semester Institutional Aid Disbursement | -Graduate | Financial Aid | |
Fall Quarter Ends | -Undergraduate -Graduate | ||
12/20 | ⚠ Winter Quarter Tuition Due ⚠* | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
⚠ Winter Quarter Housing Due ⚠ | -Undergraduate | Housing | |
Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in November) | All | Student Accounts | |
Monthly Housing Due (for December) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Winter Quarter Tuition Due | -Special Programs (DDS, PPID, DNP, ELP 1st-3rd Year, EMBA 1st & 2nd Year, FEMBA 1st - 3rd Year, GEMBA 1st-2nd Year, MACS, MAGIST, MAS, MBA, MASS, MENG, MFE, MHA, MPHHP, MQE, MQST, MSAUD, MSBA, MSDSB, MSE, MSE-H) | Student Accounts | |
Spring Semester Tuition Due | Special Programs (Law LLM 1st & 2nd Year, MLS 1st & 2nd Year, LAW Advanced JD - 2L & 3L, SJD, MED 1st-4th Year) | Student Accounts | |
12/27 | Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for January) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING |
12/29 | ⚠ Winter Quarter Financial Aid Disbursement ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Financial Aid |
Spring Semester Financial Aid Disbursement | -Special Programs (Semester Students) | Financial Aid | |
Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts | |
12/30 | BruinDirect Refunds Begin for Winter Quarter Financial Aid | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
January 2024
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
1/4 | Winter Quarter Begins | -Undergraduate -Graduate | |
| ⚠ Classes Dropped for Accounts With Unpaid Quarter Tuition Fees ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Registrar |
1/16 | Monthly Stipend Disbursement (for February) | -Graduate | Financial Aid |
1/19 | ⚠ Classes Dropped for Accounts With Unpaid Quarter Tuition Fees ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Registrar |
⚠ Delinquent Account Audit Fee Assessed to Eligible Accounts for Term ⚠ | -All | Student Accounts | |
1/20 | ⚠ Winter Quarter Parking Permit Due on BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional) | Transportation |
Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in December) | All | Student Accounts | |
Monthly Housing Due (for January) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Winter Quarter BruinPay Plan Second Installment Deduction | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts | |
Spring Semester BruinPay Plan Second Installment Deduction | -Special Programs (Semester Students & Med 1-3rd Year only) | Student Accounts | |
1/27 | Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for February) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing |
1/31 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
February 2024
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
2/2 | ⚠ Winter Quarter Course Materials Fee Posts to BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Registrar |
2/12 - 3/3 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Perking Permit Enrollment Window ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional) | Transportation |
2/15 | Monthly Stipend Disbursement for March | -Graduate | Financial Aid |
2/20 | Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in January) | All | Student Accounts |
Monthly Housing Due (for February) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Winter Quarter BruinPay Plan Final Installment Deduction | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts | |
Spring Semester BruinPay Plan Third Installment Deduction | -Special Programs (Semester Students & MED 1st-3rd Year only) | Student Accounts | |
2/22 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Tuition Posts to BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
2/23 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Housing Posts to BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate | HOUSING |
2/25 | Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for March) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING |
2/29 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
March 2024
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
3/1 - 3/20 | ⚠ Spring Quarter BruinPay Plan Enrollment Window ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
⚠ Spring Quarter UCSHIP Waiver Period ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | ASHE CENTER | |
3/3 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Parking Enrollment Deadline ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional only) | Transportation |
3/4 - 6/16 | Spring Quarter Parking Enrollment Window | -Special Programs (Professional Graduate only) | Transportation |
3/11 - 3/15 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Parking Acceptance Window ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional only) | Transportation |
3/15 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Financial Aid Disbursement ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Financial Aid |
Monthly Stipend Disbursement (for April) | -Graduate | Financial Aid | |
3/18 | BruinDirect Refunds Begin for Spring Quarter Financial Aid | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
3/20 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Tuition Due ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts |
⚠ Spring Quarter Housing Due ⚠ | -Undergraduate | Housing | |
⚠ Spring Quarter Course Materials Fee Due ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Registrar | |
Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in February) | All | Student Accounts | |
Monthly Housing Due (for March) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Spring Semester BruinPay Plan Final Installment Deduction | -Special Programs (Semester Students only) | Student Accounts | |
Spring Quarter Tuition Due | -Special Programs (DDS, PPID, DNP, ELP 1st-3rd Year, EMBA 1st & 2nd Year, EMPH FEMBA 1st - 3rd Year, GEMBA 1st-2nd Year, MACS, MAGIST, MAS, MBA, MASS, MENG, MFE, MHA, MPHHP, MQE, MQST, MSAUD, MSBA, MSDSB, MSE, MSE-H) | Student Accounts | |
3/22 | Winter Quarter Ends | -Undergraduate -Graduate | |
3/24 | Winter Quarter Parking Enrollment Window Closes | -Special Programs (Professional Graduate only) | Transportation |
3/27 | Spring Quarter Begins | -Graduate -Undergraduate | |
Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for April) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
3/28 | ⚠ Classes Dropped for Accounts With Unpaid Tuition Fees ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Registrar |
3/29 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
April 2024
| ⚠ Classes Dropped for Accounts With Unpaid Quarter Tuition Fees ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Registrar |
⚠ Delinquent Account Audit Fee Assessed to Eligible Accounts for Term ⚠ | -All | Student Accounts | |
4/15 | Monthly Stipend Disbursement (for May) | -Graduate | Financial Aid |
4/20 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Parking Permit Due on BruinBill ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate (Non-Professional) | Transportation |
Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in March) | All | Student Accounts | |
Monthly Housing Due (for April) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Spring Quarter BruinPay Plan Second Installment Deduction | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts | |
4/26 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Course Materials Fee Posts to BruinBill ⚠ | -Graduate -Undergraduate | Registrar |
Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for May) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
4/30 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
May 2024
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
5/15 | Monthly Stipend Disbursement for June | -Graduate | Financial Aid |
⚠ Summer Semester Aid Disburses ⚠ | -Graduate | Financial Aid | |
5/20 | ⚠ Spring Quarter Course Materials Fee Due ⚠ | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Registrar |
Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in April) | All | Student Accounts | |
Monthly Housing Due (for May) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
Spring Quarter BruinPay Plan Final Installment Deduction | -Undergraduate -Graduate | Student Accounts | |
5/27 | Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for June) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING |
5/31 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
June 2024
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
6/14 | Spring Quarter Ends | -Undergraduate -Graduate | |
6/16 | Spring Quarter Parking Enrollment Window Closes | -Special Programs (Professional Graduate Only) | Transportation |
Spring Semester Parking Enrollment Window Closes | -Special Programs (LAW only) | Transportation | |
6/20 | Regular Term Bill Charges Due (posted in May) | All | Student Accounts |
Monthly Housing Due (for June) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | Housing | |
6/26 | Monthly Housing Posts to BruinBill (for June) | -Graduate -Undergraduate (in Family Housing only) | HOUSING |
6/28 | Financial Hold Assessed to Eligible Past Due Accounts | All | Student Accounts |
AY 2022-2023
Event | Start Date | End Date | Support Center |
July 1 |
September 19 |
Ashe Center |
August 18 |
August 18 |
Student Accounts |
September 1 |
September 20 |
Student Accounts |
September 12 |
September 12 |
Financial Aid |
September 13 |
September 13 |
Student Accounts |
Quarter Begins |
September 19 |
September 19 |
Registrar |
DUE DATE: Tuition and Charges Posted to BruinBill in August |
September 20 |
September 20 |
Student Accounts |
September 23 |
September 23 |
Registrar |
Late Registration Fee Charged to Accts. with Unpaid Tuition Fees |
September 27 |
September 27 |
Registrar |
September 30 |
September 30 |
Student Accounts |
October 7 |
October 7 |
Registrar |
DUE DATE: Charges Posted to BruinBill in September |
October 20 |
October 20 |
Student Accounts |
October 20 |
October 20 |
Student Accounts |
October 21 |
October 21 |
Registrar |
October 31 |
October 31 |
Student Accounts |
DUE DATE: Charges Posted to BruinBill in October |
November 20 |
November 20 |
Student Accounts |
November 20 |
November 20 |
Student Accounts |
November 30 |
November 30 |
Student Accounts |
Quarter Ends |
December 9 |
December 9 |
Registrar |
DUE DATE: Charges Posted to BruinBill in November |
December 20 |
December 20 |
Student Accounts |
Date |
Event | Student Type | Support Center |
November 7 - 27 |
Undergraduate Graduate (Non-Professional) |
Transportation |
November 14 |
Graduate |
Financial Aid |
November 17 |
Undergraduate |
Student Accounts |
November 18 |
Undergraduate |
Housing |
November 26 |
Graduate |
Housing |
December 1 - 20 |
Undergraduate Graduate |
Ashe Center |
Undergraduate |
Student Accounts |
December 5 - 9 |
Undergraduate |
Transportation |
December 15 |
Graduate |
Financial Aid |
December 20 |
Tuition and Registration Fees Due* |
Undergraduate |
Student |
Quarter Housing Due* |
Undergraduate |
Housing |
Monthly Housing Due (December) |
Graduate |
Housing |
December 27 |
Graduate |
Housing |
December 30 |
Undergraduate |
Financial Aid |
December 31 |
Undergraduate |
Student |
January 1 |
Quarter Begins |
Undergraduate |
January 6 |
Late Registration Fee Charged to Accts. with Unpaid Tuition Fees |
Undergraduate |
Registrar |
January 19 |
Graduate |
Financial Aid |
January 20 |
Regular Term Bill Fees Due (Posted in December) |
Undergraduate |
Student |
Undergraduate |
Registrar |
Quarter Parking Permit Due |
Undergraduate |
Transportation |
Monthly Housing Due (January) |
Graduate |
Housing |
January 27 |
Graduate |
Housing |
February 3 |
Undergraduate |
Registrar |
February 16 |
Graduate |
Financial Aid |
February 20 |
Regular Term Bill Fees Due (Posted in January) |
Undergraduate |
Student |
Monthly Housing Due (February) |
Graduate |
Housing |
February 24 |
Graduate |
Housing |
March 20 |
Regular Term Bill Fees Due (Posted in February) |
Undergraduate |
Student |
Monthly Housing Due (March) |
Graduate |
Housing |
March 24 |
Quarter Ends |
Undergraduate |
Date | Event | Student Type | Support Center |
February 13 - March 5 |
Undergraduate & |
Transportation |
February 16
Graduate |
Financial Aid |
February 17 |
Undergraduate |
Housing |
February 23 |
Undergraduate & |
Student |
February 24 |
Graduate & |
Housing |
March 1 - 20 |
Undergraduate & |
Ashe Center |
Undergraduate & |
Student |
March 13 - 17 |
Undergraduate & |
Transportation |
March 20 |
Tuition and registration fees due* |
Undergraduate & |
Student |
Quarter housing due* |
Undergraduate |
Housing |
Monthly housing due (for March) |
Graduate & |
Housing |
March 24 |
Graduate |
Housing |
Undergraduate & |
Financial Aid |
March 27 |
Undergraduate |
Student |
Late Registration Fee charged to accounts with unpaid tuition fees |
Undergraduate & |
Registrar |
Graduate & |
Housing |
March 29 |
Quarter begins |
Undergraduate& |
March 30 |
Undergraduate & |
Registrar |
March 31 |
Financial hold and delinquent fee assessed to accounts with past due balance |
Undergraduate & |
Student |
April 20 |
Regular Term Bill fees due (posted in March) |
Undergraduate |
Student |
Quarter parking permit due |
Undergraduate & |
Transportation |
Monthly housing due (for April) |
Graduate & |
Housing |
Graduate |
Financial Aid |
April 26 |
Graduate & |
Housing |
April 28 |
Undergraduate & |
Registrar |
Financial hold and delinquent fee assessed to accounts with past due balance |
Undergraduate & |
Student |
May 18 |
Monthly stipend disbursement (for June) |
Graduate |
Financial Aid |
May 20 |
Regular Term Bill fees due (posted in April) |
Undergraduate & |
Student |
Monthly housing due (for May) |
Graduate & |
Housing |
May 27 |
Graduate & |
Housing |
May 31 |
Financial hold and delinquent fee assessed to accounts with past due balance |
Undergraduate & |
Student |
June 16 |
Quarter ends |
Undergraduate & |
June 20 |
Regular Term Bill fees due (posted in May) |
Undergraduate |
Student |
Monthly housing due (for June) |
Graduate & |
Housing |
June 30 |
Financial hold and delinquent fee assessed to accounts with past due balance |
Undergraduate & |
Student |