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In alignment with campus safety measures, in-person services for the Student Accounts office are unavailable the week of 1/13/25 - 1/17/25. Remote services will still be available on the MyUCLA Message Center from 9am-4pm and on the phone from 9am - 11am and 1pm - 3pm. 


UCLA Student Accounts oversees billing and collections for all student and various non-student accounts for the campus. We offer a variety of services, including customer service and support to billing customers via phone, email and in-person; billing and collections for all student registration fees, campus charges including Housing fees; billing and collections for various non-student and sponsorship accounts; disbursement oversight including refunds with approved disbursement amounts by Financial Aid; management of 1098-T tax reporting.

BruinBill Payments 

BruinBill Payment Methods

Review the BruinBill Payment Methods Guide to find the best payment option for you.

BruinBill Payment and Fee Policies

Review important policy information about BruinBill payments and fees, including the general fee schedule and structure, returned payment information, and delinquent account procedures.

Application of Payments on BruinBill

Review a guide of the way that payments generally apply to your BruinBill account. (Personal payments and financial aid.)

 1098-T Info

Review general information about the annual 1098-T tax form, including form delivery, accessing, form discrepancies, and tax year 2018 changes.

BruinBill Management 

Student Billing Calendar

Access important billing events for the current academic year by month. 

Third Party View

Learn how to authorize a third party, such as a parent, to access your BruinBill account. Information about your BruinBill can only be disclosed to you or a designated third party.

BruinBill Refund Methods

Learn about BruinBill refund method options, including BruinDirect, direct deposit into a U.S. checking or savings account within 2-3 business days. Options for account holders who are not eligible for a U.S. or foreign bank account are also included.

BruinPay Plan

Learn about BruinPay Plan (BPP). Eligible students may enroll prior to the beginning of each term to divide term tuition into monthly payments.

Third-Party Sponsorship Setup

Set-up third party sponsorship if your tuition and registration fees are sponsored by a third party (such as an organization). Convenient online billing is now available for sponsors!

UCLA Department Resources

 Disclosures & Policy Info

Review registration fees and campus charges disclosures and policy information, including due date, penalties (delinquency fees and holds), and returned check guidelines.

Access & Training for the BAR System

View the necessary steps for new users to obtain access to the Billing & Accounts Receivable (BAR) screens on the OASIS system.

Campus Department Billing

Review information about billing in BAR for non-student or contract accounts, available to some UCLA departments. 

 Petty Cash & Change Funds

Review forms for existing Petty Cash & Change fund accounts, which are managed by the Student Accounts office.