Q: What email address do Concur notifications come from?
A: System notifications come from: EmailReminderService@concursolutions.com and AutoNotification@concursolutions.com
A: All valid FAUs are loaded into the system nightly. Make sure you are entering the correct search criteria when allocating expenses.
Q: Can I recall a report I’ve submitted?
A: Yes, once submitted, click on the report and click the "recall" button. Once you recall the report, the report will show as "returned."
Q: Can I review my report before submitting?
A: Yes, click back in to the report you want to review.
Q: Will the system trigger a warning on policy?
A: Yes, the system will warn you if you are in violation of policy and direct you to correct the information prior to submitting a report.
Q: Once an expense is allocated, can I go back and edit an expense?
A: If the report has not been submitted, you can go back into the individual expense line and edit as needed.
Q: What if a FAU does not appear on the Allocations screen or we need to create a new FAU?
A: Reach out to General Accounting. Once created, it takes 48 hours for the new FAU to be available in Express.
Q: Can I change the title of an expense report?
A: If the report has not been submitted, you may go back in to the report header field and update the title as needed. If the report has been submitted, you need to recall the report in order to update the report title.
Q: Do we have to use .00 to indicate whole dollars?
A: No.
Q: Can you edit a comment?
A: If the comment has been saved, you cannot edit it. You can add an additional comment though if needed.
Q: Do we need to add all the attendee names to a Business Meal expense?
A: If there are fewer than 10 attendees, you will need to manually enter those attendees. If you have more than 10 attendees, you can attach the list.
Q: What size and type of files can I upload for receipts?
A: You can upload receipt images up to 5MB in size, and they can be PNG, JPG, PDF, HTML or TIFF files.
A: If there was travel, then use Express. If there was no travel, submit through Accounts Payable.
Q: Mileage calculator: Will we be able to enter multiple destinations in 1 expense? i.e. if a technician is traveling to multiple clinical locations in 1 day.
A: It depends on how many trips they are taking in 1 day. Typically, each leg of the trip should be calculated. Express allows you to input multiple stops and will calculate the mileage.
Q: In the future, will there be an option to enter the city name, if it does not appear on the list?
A: You can email UCLA Travel Accounting team to have the city added for you.
Q: When entering international travel, why do we have to enter times?
A: The times are used to calculate per diem for international travel. Times are not required for domestic travel.
Q: What do I enter for departure/arrival times.
A: Use door to door times, not flight times. For instance, if you are leaving from home, use the time you left home as the departure time. For arrival time, use the time you arrive at the lodging location.
Q: For airport, I see both Los Angeles International and Los Angeles Intl, are they the same?
A: Yes, they are the same. You can choose either option.
Q: Can I delete an expense report?
A: Rather than delete an expense report, you can update the information to repurpose it for a new report. This saves the university costs associated with submitted reports. Once a report has entered the workflow for the first time, the report should be repurposed vs deleted. Deleting should only occur prior to clicking Submit for the first time.
Q: Do we still need to save paper receipts for 5 years?
A: That depends on the rules around receipts for your funding source. Check with your fund manager for specific rules for your funding source.
Q: How do I update my name in the new Express?
A: You will need to initiate a name change request through UC Path. Once you name has been updated through UC Path, the updated name will appear in Concur 72 hours later. You are able to make changes to your middle name directly in the new Express.
Q: For lodging, what happens if my nightly room rate varies night to night?
A: After saving itemizations, click on the lodging line for the date the rate is different, and update as needed. Remember to save your changes.
Q: We will be able to access the legacy Express system for historical reference after the new Express goes live?
A: You will have read-only access to the old Express site until June 30, 2021. Be sure to print/download any historical information you want to keep. (Per policy, you should retain paper records for 7 years.) As of July 1, 2021, any requests for archived documents will need to be submitted to Travel Accounting.
Q: What if actuals are lower than per diem?
A: You can use the "Per Diem Adjustment" expense type to lower the claim if actuals are less than the per diem amount. The adjustment is entered as a negative number for the amount that you want to deduct.
Q: How are delegates assigned?
A: Users must assign their own delegates. You cannot assign delegates for others. You can however unassign yourself as a delegate.
Q: Can I submit a report on behalf of faculty?
A: You can prepare the report if you are designated as the delegate for the faculty, but the faculty member will need to submit the report.
Q: If I'm currently a delegate for another department, do they need to give me delegate access?
A: Yes, each employee you delegate for will need to grant delegate access in the new Express.
Q: Can a delegate submit a request for a user?
A: Delegates can submit a request for a user.
Q: After the delegate submits the expense report, does it go to the FAU approver or to the traveler to approve?
A: The expense report is prepared by the delegate, but must be submitted by the traveler. The traveler will get a notice letting them know they have an expense to review and submit. Once the traveler submits the report it goes to the fund manager to approve. From there it goes to Travel Accounting.
Q: Can a delegate upload receipts for another user?
A: Yes. As a delegate, you can upload receipts on behalf of a user you delegate for.
Q: Will there ever come a time when the traveler, won't have to be notified when their reports are rejected for simply corrections?
A: As a delegate, the person you delegate for can select the option to have a copy of system emails sent to the delegate as well. But the primary cannot opt out of getting the communication.
Q: How will an employee know that a report created by a delegate is ready for them to review and submit?
A: The delegate can inform the employee, or the system will email the employee (the following day) alerting them that there is a report for them to review and submit.
Q: Is there a time limit for an employee to review an expense report that a delegate prepared for them?
A: Expense reports should be approved and submitted to the Travel Accounting office within 45 days after completion of the trip or event.
Q: How do I reimburse a student?
A: If the student has a UCPath EMPLID, they are able to log in to Concur. The student employee can create their own expense report in Concur or assign a delegate to create one on their behalf. The student employee would need to log in to Concur and submit any reports created by a delegate.
If the student does not have a UCPath EMPLID, you will need to create a guest profile and process their expenses as a guest reimbursement.
Q: As a delegate, can I use the mobile app to act as another user?
A: No, you cannot use the mobile app to act as another user.
Q: If 2 or more people have delegate access for the same user, can we access the reports the other delegate created?
A: Yes, if you have delegate access, you can access reports other delegates created for that user.
Q: Why do my favorite FAUs not show up when I am acting as another user?
A: The favorite FAUs are tied to your profile. So, when you are acting as another user, they do not appear unless that user has also added those FAUs to their favorites.
Q: If the Approver is gone unexpectedly, can a delegate reassign to a new approver?
A: The delegate can recall the report and assign it to a new approver, but the employee would need to resubmit the report.
Q: I’m a delegate. What should I do if I move to a different department?
A: You should go to the Expense Delegate section of your profile in Concur. Click the Delegate For tab, and delete yourself as a delegate for users in your old department. You can then ask users you need to delegate for in your new department to assign you as their delegate.
Q: Can I be a delegate for someone in another department?
A: Yes, you can be a delegate for someone in a different department if they assign you as their delegate.
Q: Can we add approvers through Express?
A: No, Express pulls the approver from DACSS. If you need to add an approver, please contact your Department Security Administrator (DSA).
Q: Can the preparer be the approver?
A: No, you cannot be the approver for reports you prepare.
Q: Can I delegate approver rights?
A: Approvers are assigned through DACSS. If the assigned approver is unable to approve the report(s), you need to recall the report and submit to another approver. You can however delegate “Preview for Approver” rights. This allows a delegate to view and preview reports that need approval.
Q: Does the new Express send out reminders to have expense reports approved?
A: Yes, Express will send a reminder email every 3 days that a report is pending their approval.
Q: If I’m currently an Approver in DACSS, will that status roll over to the new Express?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the new PTA process?
A: The new process is called Concur Request. When you submit a request through Express you select whether you want to use the Online Booking Tool or the UCTC Agent Assisted Booking process. Once the request has been approved you can book online or contact the UCTC agent for assistance based on your selection.
Q: When can I use Direct Bill?
A: You can use Direct Bill for airfare or lodging when you have an approved request. Direct Bill for Airfare can be booked online. Direct Bill Hotel/lodging on participating domestic hotels can only be booked with a UCTC agent.
Q: How does Direct Bill work?
A: Direct Bill is a payment option where expenses are charged directly to your department with no out-of-pocket cost to the traveler. This is only available for airfare or lodging booked through the UC Travel Center, either with the Concur Online Booking Tool or with agent assistance. An approved request is required and a service fee will apply.
After the travel is booked, the Direct Bill charges will appear as Company Card transactions and must be attached to an expense report along with the associated approved request. The transactions should be attached as soon as they are available, but the expense report cannot be submitted until after completion of the trip.
Q: Does the Concur Request expire?
A: The request does not immediately expire, but the UCTC ticket price expires after 24 hours. After 120 days, any open requests will automatically close.
Q: Can I reuse a Concur Request ID?
A: A Concur Request ID may be reused for direct billed air ticket reissue or exchange when the additional charges do not exceed $1000.00 (including fees), and for a ticket reissue or exchange for emergency reasons which require a reissued ticket with no delay. In this instance, contact UCTC immediately.
Q: Can I create one Concur Request ID for two or more people traveling together or for the same purpose?
A: You can create one Concur Request ID for two or more GUESTS (non-UCLA employees) traveling for the same purpose. UCLA employees traveling for the same purpose require their own Concur Request ID (the ID cannot be shared between employees).
Q: How do I reimburse a guest?
A: Guests must have a profile in Express and in the payment system in order to submit a reimbursement request for them. If the guest does not have a profile, you will need to create one through the Express Guest Profile site. When you create a guest profile, it creates a vendor profile in payment system and a profile in Concur. The Concur profile is immediately available to use to create the report for the guest, however you cannot submit the report until the vendor profile is created in the payment system. This process takes one business day.
Q: Can I edit the guest information? Address, phone, email, payment type?
A: No, you cannot edit a guest profile once it is created. You must create a new profile.
Q: Will we see only the Guest profiles we created or will we see ALL the guest profiles created across campus?
A: You can see any previously created guest profiles. If the guest is in the system with matching credentials, the system will alert you. Check that the name, email and phone number match the person you wish to reimburse.
Q: Can a guest create their own profile?
A: No, the responsible department delegate would be responsible for creating the profile. Non-UCLA employees will not have access to the site.
Q: Do I need to use the guest profile process for all non-employee reimbursements?
A: Yes, all non-employee reimbursements will need to be initiated through the guest profile process.
Q: Are we still required to have guests keep original receipts if they can just take a picture on their mobile phone?
A: That is sufficient from a University standard, but you need to verify with your fund manager if there are additional requirements for the funding source.
Q: Is the guest a non-UCLA employee or could it be a UCLA employee that you are acting as a delegate for?
A: Guests are any individuals who do not have an active UCLA employment status in UCPath.
Q: How do I reimburse a student?
A: If the student has a UCPath EMPLID, they are able to log in to Concur. The student employee can create their own expense report in Concur or assign a delegate to create one on their behalf. The student employee would need to log in to Concur and submit any reports created by a delegate.
If the student does not have a UCPath EMPLID, you will need to create a guest profile and process their expenses as a guest reimbursement.
Q: What can I use the Mobile App for?
A: In Concur Request you can:
- Request a Direct Billed Airfare or Hotel
- Request Travel & Entertainment Credit Card Activities
- Approve all requests
In Concur Expense you can:
- Create expense reports
- Approve expense reports
- Use ExpenseIt to snap a picture of your receipt and have it attach to your profile; Concur will create most expenses from the receipt
- Quickly and easily add mileage to an expense report
- Use phone notifications which allows easy click access into the mobile app
In Concur Travel you can:
- View your itineraries
- Search for and book a rental car or hotel (it is not recommended to book airfare through the mobile app as this is an instant purchase)
- Cancel rental car or hotel reservations
Note: You cannot act as a delegate in the Mobile App. For direct bill car and hotel, book with a UCTC agent.
Q: I am a UCLA employee and I made my booking in Concur Mobile app. Will I see my own trips under Trips in Concur Mobile app?
A: Yes, UCLA employees will see their own trips under Trips in Concur Mobile app
Q: I am a UCLA travel arranger and I made a booking for myself through the Concur Mobile app. Will I see my own trips under Trips in Concur Mobile app?
A: Yes, travel arrangers will only see their own trips (if they travel) under Trips in Concur Mobile app.
Q: I am a UCLA travel arranger and I made a booking as an authorized travel arranger for a UCLA employee or a guest in Concur Mobile app, will I see trip I booked for others under Trips in Concur Mobile app?
A: No, if you book for others, you need to log in to the desktop version (UCLA Concur Online Booking Tool) to see bookings you made for guest as well as bookings you made as authorized travel arranger for a UCLA employee.
Additional Mobile FAQs
Q: What if I clicked No on the pop-up and need to create an itinerary after the fact (once in a report)?
A: Toward the top left of the expense report, click on the Details link to display the viewable options. Under the Travel Allowances section, click New Itinerary.
Q: What does door-to-door mean?
A: Door to door means the time you left and arrived to/from your home, campus, office or other location when traveling for university business.
Q: When creating a Travel Allowance itinerary, what is considered the Arrival City?
A: To properly calculate the per diem rates for the location you are conducting University business, the Arrival City should be the lodging location (where you lay your head/sleep).
Q: When creating a Travel Allowance itinerary, what is considered a provided meal?
A: Any meal that is provided at no cost to the traveler is considered a provided meal. This may include meals provided while attending a conference/seminar or any business event meals that the traveler hosted or attended during the trip.
Q: What if I forget to check the Compare to GSA box?
A: For Lodging, you will need to open every Lodging & Lodging Tax itemization and check the ‘Compare to GSA’ box. You can also check the box on the left for every Lodging/Lodging Tax line. Once you have more than one line checked, the Edit Multiple Fields option will appear. Select Edit (#3) and change Travel Allowance from No to Yes. Click Save.
Additional Mobile FAQs
Receipts – You can upload receipt images up to 5MB in size, and they can be PNG, JPG, PDF, HTML or TIFF files.
You can adjust the sizing of the windows in Express by using your mouse to grab and drag the windows.
Columns with a blue header title can be sorted (ascending or descending).
If you want to increase how the font size appears on your screen, change your screen resolution or the zoom setting in your browser.
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Hover over this icon to view helpful information |
List searches by Text or Code (i.e. Allocations, Guest Payees, etc.) are always “begins with” rather than “contains” searches.
Concur accepts the Universal (24 hours or Military) Time format. When using Universal Time, AM/PM does not need to be entered. When using the Standard (12 hour) Time format AM/PM must be entered or the system will default to AM.
If you cannot see University credit card transactions, click the “Import Expenses” button.
Departure/Arrival Times - Use door to door times, not flight times. For instance, if you are leaving from home, use the time you left home as the departure time. For arrival time, use the time you arrive at the lodging location.
Recommended browser is Google Chrome.
Troubleshooting Missing Transactions
Rather than delete an expense report you do not need, you can update the information to repurpose it for a new report. This saves the university costs associated with submitted reports. Once a report has entered the workflow for the first time, the report should be repurposed instead of deleted. Deleting should only occur prior to clicking Submit for the first time.
T&E Card – you must account for every charge on the T&E card.
Expense Workflow
Allocation – Allocations set the Grant funding segments
Approval Workflow – The approval flow within the Concur Expense System is the record of all approval steps for an expense report
Attendee – A guest at a hosted business event
Audit Trail – The Audit Trail is a record of all changes made to an expense report. There are two types of items that appear in the Audit Trail: actions at the report level and actions at the entry level
Available Expenses – Open University credit card transactions and available travel booking itineraries including e-receipts
Business Meals and Events – All Entertainment Events will be referred to as Business Events in Concur
Cost Object Approval – Cost object approval will route the expense report approval to the appropriate Financial Unit Manager
Delegate – Someone who can create expenses and reports on behalf of another person. A user who has been assigned as a delegate by an employee will be able to search for that employee in their profile under Acting on Behalf of Another Employee
Departure/Arrival Locations – Departure location is the city of the home, campus or office from which the travelers leave. Arrival location is the location where the traveler lodges.
Departure/Arrival Times – The time from which the traveler leaves, the city of the home, campus or office, to the time in which the traveler arrives at the lodging location (door-to-door times, not flight times). For instance, if you are leaving from home, use the time you left home as the departure time. For arrival time, use the time you arrive at the lodging location.
E-Receipts – E-Receipts will auto-populate data provided by airlines, hotels and rental car vendors. The tool automatically attaches the "electronic receipt" to the transaction
Exception Flag – A notice which will appear within an expense report to notify the user of a transaction that is not within policy or to prompt user to make a change. Red = Hard stop, you must fix the issue before proceeding. Yellow = Soft warning, information/reminder, possible action may be required
ExpenseIt – ExpenseIt is part of the Concur Mobile App. It uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology to read receipts and build expenses for the user. Once a picture is taken from the app, ExpenseIt creates the entry (if it is an out-of-pocket expense) or matches the receipt image to the existing T&E Card transaction
Expense Type – Configurable categorization of expense report items, related to expenditure types and GL accounts through mappings
Family Member – Included spouse, domestic partner or family
GSA - Government Services Administration – The government agency which sets the per diem rates
Guest – Any individuals who do not have an active UCLA employment status in UCPath.
Itinerary – Users can enter the trip departure and arrival information (destination, date, time)
Policy Review – An additional workflow step when a higher level of review or approval is required
Provided Meal – A meal that you participated in but did not have to pay for
Report Key – This replaces the TR# from the legacy Express system. The system auto-generates this when you create a report.
Request – Request is the Concur module which will replace the Pre-Trip Authorization system for direct-billed airfare and lodging. Request will also be used for US Bank T&E Card-related activities (e.g. new card requests and changing a credit limit)
Send Back to Employee – Selecting “Send Back to Employee” will route an expense report back to the employee who submitted it, and will allow them to change or add comments to the expense report
Travel Allowance – Maximum per diem rates for meals and lodging incurred during foreign travel
University Benefit – A brief description (64-character field) of how the university benefitted from this expense. If you need additional space, use the comment field which has a 500-character limit.